New biodegradable
y compostable straws.

Biodegradable and Compostable

We are aware of your concern for the environment

That is why at POPOMEX and BIOMARINE, in regards to the issues of environmental care, we have taken on the task of researching and developing the best options of materials and technologies, both biodegradable and compostable, that are friendly to the environment and care for our planet. Similarly, this research and development has been done with the purpose of taking care of the economic issue for all our customers.

POPOMEX and BIOMARINE has also reviewed that all the materials we use are perfectly approved by the ASTM and UNE regulations and have the corresponding certifications. In this way, we guarantee the biodegradation of the products our customers buy, since nowadays many products that claim to be "Biodegradable or Compostable" are sold without really being so.

POPOMEX and BIOMARINE is in position to offer the following options of biodegradable straws depending on the needs and requirements of our customers:


100% Biodegradable
F.D.A. Approved
100% recyclable
40% stronger than conventional paper straws


Manufactured from plants
100% Eco-Friendly / Compostable / Biodegradable
Biodegradation between 90 and 120 days in a composting environment
F.D.A. Approved, BIS Certification
Complies with ASTM D6400, Compostables EN 13432
"OK Compost" Certification
Transparent Color

Natural Fibers

Made from agave fibers.
Biodegradation in under 5 years
Sustainable and undifferentiated texture
Light brown or black color.

Corn Starch

Made from corn starch
100% recyclable.
Biodegradation between 18 and 24 months
"OK Biobased" certification by TUV Austria
Beige color

Bio Compostables

Made with biotechnology. 100% biodegradable under the following standards:
ASTM D5511 Anaerobic biodegradation being compostable
ASTM D5526-12 Anaerobic Biodegradation in Landfills
ASTM D7475-11 Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of plastics in an accelerated bioreactor
ASTM D5338 Aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials
ASTM D5988 Aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in soil.
ASTM D6691-17 Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in Marine Environment
Natural color; white or the color of your choice.

Know some key concepts for your clearest understanding

1What are our biodegradable straws?
These are straws manufactured with an ecological guarantee where we use biotechnologies that allow the straws to be biodegradable in aerobic and anaerobic environments and at the same time be 100% recyclable.
2What are our natural agave fiber or cornstarch straws?
These are straws with an ecological guarantee made from organic materials such as natural fibers or starches and that when manufactured with biotechnology reduce the use of plastic materials and allow proper biodegradation.
3Which technology do we use?
We use as many organic additives, bio-based polymers and resins manufactured from natural elements which maintain all the physical properties of the straw from the beginning since with these materials an accelerated biodegradation is initiated when in contact with microorganisms both those found in aerobic and anaerobic environments and the marine environment. Our straws do not biodegrade while on the shelf or during storage.
4What is compostable?
Compostable means that the plastic can be degraded by controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and by the action of (biologically) organisms producing water, carbon dioxide, inorganic compounds and biomass in a controlled period of time; in other words, it can act as compost. Therefore, all materials are biodegradable, but not all biodegradable ones are compostable.
5What is Biodegradable?
Biodegradable plastics are designed to degrade by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, which use them as a source of carbon. Similarly with physical agents such as the sun or water in environmental conditions that occur in nature and transform these substances into nutrients, carbon dioxide, water and biomass.
6What is Oxo-Biodegradable?
These plastics contain a catalyst that with UV rays, water and humidity accelerates the fracture of the long molecular chains into shorter molecular chains being first through an oxidation process converting the plastic into biomass
7Recycling of plastics
It can be said that all plastics are recyclable, the first step being their separation by type of polymer. We can mention seven different types of plastics: PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS and a seventh category called "others" which are already classified by means of numbers inscribed in a recycling indicator triangle.
8Applicable Standards for Composting
The applicable European standard is UNE 13432 "Packaging". Requirements for containers and packaging that can be recovered through composting and biodegradation. Test program and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of the container or packaging" specifies the requirements and procedures to determine the biodegradability and compostability of the plastics. Within this standard, it is also necessary to consider the environment in which the material may end up after use, and it is possible to certify biodegradability in the marine environment, fresh water and soil.
9Characteristics of Biodegradable and Compostable straws
They degrade in aerobic, anaerobic and marine environments. The most common are landfills. - Anaerobic: A process of biodegradation in the absence of oxygen. - Aerobic: Biodegradation process in the presence of oxygen. - Marine environments: In the presence of both Aerobic and Anaerobic and with the presence of water and UV rays.
2) ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards are international standards for establishing biodegradation under Aerobic, Anaerobic and Marine conditions.
3) POPOMEX Straws show in laboratory tests an effective biodegradation according to the standards established by ASTM and UNE 13432.
4) POPOMEX Straws have all the corresponding certificates to guarantee the quality, safety and above all the peace of mind of our customers.
5) The physical characteristics of our straws are the same as those of conventional plastic straws.
6) POPOMEX straws are stored in the same way as plastic straws.
7) The materials used are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for products in contact with food and human beings.
8) The colors required by our customers can be manufactured.

In POPOMEX and BIOMARINE, you will find the optimal option in the type of straw you need, besides having the highest quality and certification that our straws fulfill, all the certifications and guarantees that they are biodegradable and compostable.


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